Thursday, February 20, 2020

Culture in the Project Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Culture in the Project Management - Assignment Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that cultural artifact has a close correspondence while speaking about the culture Artifact simply indicates the things that are produced by spending the human labor and his or her artistic knowledge giving a sign of creativity in it. Actually, a cultural artifact is a human-made object, which represents the ideas and values of a particular culture. More categorically speaking, "Starting with the broadest category, we may say that cultural artifact include everything that is judged worth preserving because of its meaning. This doesn't include everything in the world, but anything in the world, concrete or abstract, could potentially become a cultural artifact". This may change due to the variation of the cultural ingredients. The concept of cultural artifact may also vary in the particular context of a given culture. Comic books are also essentially included as the cultural artifact as considering the definition or concep t of the cultural artifact has been defined. It is considered as the unique literary. Comics industry has a longstanding reputation throughout the world. Even this has been expanded in the territory of Asia, with particular attention to Philippine and China. In reference to the comics industry in the Philippine, it is opined that "In 1978, it was hypothesized that since about 2 million commercially produced komlks -magasins bearing 44 different titles and appeared were either sold or released in the blanket, it was assumed, albeit conservatively, that if only six people read each copy, then komlks-magasins should easily have a readership of no less than 12 million". The growth of comics industry in Ireland has a documented glorious history. The rate of selling in the comics industry is radically increasing for it has the immense popularity among the people of Ireland. In Ireland, people are most prone to the comics literature as "the average Irish person prefer allocating new fundin g, theatre, opera and dancing which would be dwarfed by levels of interest in video games, films, and comics". Hence, Ireland has been turned into a fertile ground for the comics industry. Comics industry developed in Ireland is of special significance in regard to the issues of developing comic industry as the potential industry in the coming days. "Prior to 1960, for the outside observer, comic book circulation figures were hard to come by". In tracing out the historical context of the comics industry, it is necessary to mention that the comics books or comics industry for the first time appeared on the market during 1934. Relevantly, at the same time detective comics appeared in the year of 1937. One of the most important and significant comics' literature in its history is the Walt Disney's Comics and Stories in 1942. After the taking place of the world war second, the selling of comics' books increased at much higher. In the post-war period, the Walt Disney Comics and Stories g ot its highest position in the field of the comics industry as it was treated as the best selling comics books.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

ESL Classroom Mgmt Strategies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

ESL Classroom Mgmt Strategies - Research Paper Example For any teacher to be effective in teaching English as a foreign language class management skills are prerequisite. It is an acknowledged fact that classroom management is of critical importance in enhancing the effectiveness of pedagogy since a lack of the same would result to a reduction in cognitive and overall development of the learners. As such effective teaching and learning of English as a second language is dependent upon effective classroom management (Brown 1-12). Classroom management entails the manner of controlling behaviour that would result in disruptions so as to ensure that teaching and learning is maximized. Pedagogical content knowledge entails all of the skills possessed by a teacher which enables them to transmit pedagogical content. This normally includes generic education and subject skills. Subject includes student and teacher based methods and approaches that are employed in the teaching of particular issues. Good examples are the Communicative Language teac hing or the Audio lingual strategy which are exclusive to the teaching of languages. Generic education pedagogy on the other hand includes learner teacher methods and approaches which may be employed in the teaching of any subject. ... sually migrants they may portray behavior which is not normal of the natural born members of the class and hence which would cause disruption (Buchman 143-148). Contrary to public opinion the terms discipline and management are not synonyms of each other. Many people associate discipline with punishment even as it is a means of modifying, correcting and inspiring desired behavior. While discipline is part of management it does not entail all the aspects of management. In addition to discipline management also involves the organization of students, materials, time and space to foster learning. It also entails the approaches and methods employed in order to have the ordered environment for learning and teaching (Bharkhuizen and Gough 453-471). The disciplining of learners in the second language class should be in such a manner that would show care and concern and not victimization (Allison and Rehm 7). Approaches in Classroom Management In classroom management it is important that the teacher employs a particular approach that would ensure he has a proper control over the class. Approaches employed in the management of the classroom include but are not limited to: punishments and rewards, learner teacher relations (Pedder 171-200). The teacher needs top foster compliance in the students by being assertive in the setting up of protocol for instance time of entry into the class, submitting assignments among others. New learners tend to test out the teacher and hence it is important that the teacher set out the protocols that are to be followed from the very beginning of learning (Brynes 472-494). Strategies which are geared towards the inhibition of negative learner behavior such as punishment may not be effective since learners of English as a second language may see this